NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 11 Answer 2022


Week 11 : Assignment 11

Due date: 2022-10-12, 23:59 IST.
Assignment not submitted
1 point
State yes or no: Is concolic testing a white-box testing technique?
1 point
Which of the following is true about concolic testing?
1 point
What is the use of a SAT/SMT solver in symbolic testing?
1 point
State true or false: Symbolic execution can be used to detect non-termination in programs.
1 point
Which of the following is a list of techniques used in the algorithm deployed by DART?
1 point
Which of the following strategy is used for input search in concolic testing?

Common data for Q7-Q10:

Consider the code fragment given below. Answer the following questions related to symbolic execution of the given code fragment.

0: int x, y;
1: if (x > y) {
2:    x = x + y;
3:    y = x - y;
4:    x = x - y;
5:    if (x - y > 0)
6:      --- error ---;

1 point
What does the code fragment do?
1 point
How many decision points and execution paths are there in the code fragment?
1 point
What will be the path constraint at line 1 of the code fragment such that program exits without further execution?
1 point
State yes or no: Is the error statement reachable in the given program fragment?


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