Week 2 : Assignment 2

Due date: 2023-02-08, 23:59 IST.
Assignment not submitted

If a store has N items, the number of possible itemsets is

An association rule is valid if it satisfies:

An itemset is frequent if it satisfies the:

Which of the following property is used by the apriori algorithm:

Consider three itemsets I1={bat, ball, wicket}, I2={bat, ball}, I3={bat}. Which of the following statements are correct?

For questions 6-10, consider the following small database of four transactions. The minimum support is 60% and the minimum confidence is 80%.

Trans_id              Itemlist

T1                          {F, A, D, B}

T2                          {D, A, C, E, B}

T3                          {C, A, B, E}

T4                          {B, A, D}

The 1-itemsets that satisfy the support criteria are:

The 2-itemsets that satisfy the support criteria are:

The 3-itemsets that satisfy the support criteria are:

Which of the following is NOT a valid association rule?

Which of the following is NOT a valid association rule?


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