Mango Market
In a market of mangoes, there are N N sellers numbered from 1 1 to N N . The i i -th seller initially charges a price of A i A i coins for each of their mangoes. However, the sellers are very competitive, and they will change prices based on other sellers nearby. You have a simple graph (unweighted, undirected graph containing no self-loops or multiple edges) G G with N N vertices and M M edges. There is an edge between two sellers if and only if they are neighbours. When you buy a mango from a seller numbered X X , the following occurs: Seller X X keeps his price the same. Every seller Y Y who is a neighbour of X X increases their price by 1 1 , that is, A Y = A Y + 1 A Y = A Y + 1 for every Y Y who is a neighbour of X X . Every other seller Z Z who is not a neighbour of X X decrease...